Educators & Service Providers

I work with you and your group of youth to:

Boost your Sex Ed lessons with the most up to date information and techniques from the ever-changing field sex education

Give your group a sex education experience that is all about what they want and need to know. 

Action Canada SRH Quote

Educators in Schools (gr. 8-12)

You are likely here reading this because you want to give your students the best sex ed experience that you can. I can help.   

Quality, comprehensive sex education for youth is incredibly important. This is backed by multi-disciplinary evidence.

All youth deserve access to sex education that

Vestibulum semper est tellus, ut pellentesque

Praesent malesuada ut arcu eget ultricies.

Pellentesque varius massa vitae aliquet

Phasellus tincidunt risus a ante ullamcorper elementum. In non lacus non ligula hendrerit sodales. Donec pharetra, tellus eu porta sollicitudin, erat est cursus eros.